Learn from the Past

Read a lot about this story in a book called Poisoned Nation. It’s a heartbreaking story that affected so many people years ago, but it still has yet to be made right. Well, not that you can make something like this “right.” I’m not a conspiracy theory nut or anything like that, but this story certainly taught me not to blindly trust the government (especially the military). Never assume they have your best interest at heart. Never. Take care of yourself and your own and be loud when speaking out.


Article: Why “Zero Dark Thirty” Made Me Cry

Why “Zero Dark Thirty” Made Me Cry.

Haven’t seen the film myself, but I can understand and agree with what the author says. The bit about both sides thinking they are doing the right thing really hits home. I’ve often thought about that. Reality isn’t full of bad guys wearing black and good guys wearing white. Kill or be killed is a horrible way to live, but humanity has chosen that for thousands of years. That is certainly worth weeping over.

This Christmas

Photograph: David Hedges/SWNS.com

Christmas was always a big deal for my family. Tree decorating, watching specials together, wrapping presents, driving around town to look at the Christmas lights… so many things we always did together. For me, Christmas is a time of happiness, warmth, love and excitement. My Honey didn’t get the same experience growing up. He remembers fights over decorating, lots of stress… with some good things thrown in, thankfully. But still. Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and love.

This Christmas season has been very out of the ordinary, at least for me. Illness and finances have kept us from doing a lot of the things we wanted to do to celebrate Christmas. The tree we bought has very sparse decorations, but it hasn’t mattered. Seeing the cheery green, well-lit tree has been a great source of joy for us. The two year old and I colored Christmas cards for a few people, and then enjoyed coloring a picture of a Yule log to hang on the fridge. We haven’t done any Christmas baking (much to my chagrin). There aren’t any presents under the tree. But those things really don’t matter, not once you stop and really think about them. More