PeopleTowels – Awesomeness You Should Try!

I used to buy a lot of Stoneyfield Farm’s yogurt, and on every carton they used to print a code that could be used to redeem prizes. One of the prizes I used my points for was this nifty little towel made by PeopleTowels. I kept it in my purse and found it to be extremely convenient for drying my hands when I was out and about (and to clean up messes or whatever else life brought my way). So, when I had enough points, I ordered another one. I now have three and absolutely love them!

By choosing a reusable towel over disposable towels, you could save More


Radical Notions

Up until the last hundred years (approximately), all/most:

Milk went straight from the cow to being used for butter, cheese, yogurt, etc (raw milk)

Produce was never treated with pesticides & other chemicals (organic)

Produce & Animals were of the heirloom or hybrid varieties (non-GMO)

Animals were kept on pasture as long as it was seasonally available (grass fed meat)

Eggs & Chicken came from hens who moved about freely, ate bugs, & scratched in the dirt (free range)

Food came from a nearby farmer, butcher, or your own backyard (local, self-sufficient)

Food was grown by farmers who rotated crops & the pastures used for grazing, grew a variety of items, etc. (sustainable)


These things aren’t new; they’re much older than the recent changes brought on by the Industrial Age. We really screwed up when we prioritized convenience and easy over quality and sustainability.

Remind me again why I’m crazy and radical for wanting the same things?

local is growing

Who do you trust? Nature or Chemicals?

I had a thought this morning. The push for low-fat diets and foods is both harmful and unnatural. Why, then, would people be pushing for low-fat (the science isn’t actually there)? That’s when it hit me. It isn’t in the best interest of the food industry (or pharmaceutical for that matter) to promote foods in their natural state. If it was promoted that foods were best in their natural state, we’d be able to get most things from farmers or even grow/raise our own. But if low-fat is the “healthy” way to eat, we are stuck going to the store to buy products that have been tampered with, things that we can only get from the food industry. Also, it’s probably more expensive for companies to use foods in their whole, natural state than it is for them to be able to fill in the gaps with chemicals and other cheap fillers, allowing the real stuff to be spread further. That last bit is purely speculation on my part, but it makes sense. More

A Personal Study of Amino Acids

I really love to study the human body, particularly how it works with the food you eat. Recently I started a study of amino acids, and used an old standby book for my reading: Prescription for Nutritional Healing: The A-to-Z Guide to Supplements, 2nd ed. by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC (certified nutritional consultant). Her science and research seems quite credible. Anyway. Here are my notes from my studying – all credit goes to Ms. Balch.

*These are my personal notes and should not be used in place of a medical professional.

Alanine: plays a major role in the transfer of nitrogen from peripheral tissue to the liver; aids in metabolism of glucose; guards against the buildup of toxic substances; useful for treatment with insulin-dependent diabetes; too much alanine and low levels of tyrosine and phenylalanine is associated with Epstein-Barr and chronic fatigue. More

What’s the Big Deal with Hair?

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!!!
